17ª Conferencia Internacional sobre retrovirus

Mensajes: 13
Registrado: 11 Dic 2009, 02:21

17ª Conferencia Internacional sobre retrovirus

Mensaje por Teresa »

Aunque está destinada principalmente a la investigación del Sida, algo se ha tratado sobre el XMRV

Esta es la información que he recopilado

CROI: Secrets of Novel Retrovirus Unfolding

SAN FRANCISCO - The mystery surrounding a retrovirus recently implicated in prostate cancer and possibly chronic fatigue syndrome is beginning to yield clues.

The virus, known as XMRV, has been confirmed to replicate primarily in reproductive organs and lymphoid tissue, according to a primate study reported at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.

A second study found markers that could be the key to developing an assay for the large scale epidemiologic studies needed to determine how widely the virus has penetrated in the population, and what effect it has.

"We're at a very, very early stage working with this virus," said conference vice-chair John Coffin, PhD, of Tufts University in Boston.
 Note that these studies were published as abstracts and presented at a conference. These data and conclusions should be considered to be preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
He likened it to the early days of HIV research, when scientists scrambled to make sense of the virus, but cautioned that has yet to be any clear evidence linking it to disease.
XMRV burst onto the scene four years ago when researchers doing a broad sweep for viruses in prostate cancer samples turned up evidence of a retrovirus that resembled the murine leukemia virus, earning it the abbreviation xenotropic murine leukemia-related virus (XMRV).
"The similarity [in genetic sequence] is so striking that although we don't know the details we have to assume it's coming from mice," Stephen Goff, PhD, of Columbia University in New York City, told MedPage Today.
The genetic sequence of all XMRV isolates tested across the country, and across diseases, show so little divergence that the virus must have only recently jumped to humans -- likely from a point source and with limited numbers of replication cycles during transmission, Goff said in a plenary lecture on XMRV at the conference.
This implies that a vaccine might be much easier to develop than for HIV, he explained at a press conference.
However, while this class of retroviruses appears to be characterized by lifelong infection that cannot be cleared by the immune system, there's no clear proof yet that XMRV causes illness or the diseases it's been linked to, he emphasized.
Even the links to prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome are controversial, with centers reporting anywhere from 0% to 23% and 0% to 67% prevalence in tested cases, respectively, Goff noted.
To learn more about how the virus might interact with the human immune system, scientists at the Cleveland Clinic, Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University, and Abbott Diagnostics collaborated on an animal model.
Prachi Sharma, PhD, of Emory, presented part of the results involving monkeys.
She reported that acutely infected monkeys tested positive for virus replicating in a number of tissues.
Chronic infection, though, appeared largely limited to CD4+ T cells in lymphoid organs -- spleen, lymph nodes, and GI tract -- as well as in reproductive organs, including prostate, testes, ovaries, vagina, and cervix.
Other experimental lab studies have shown the virus to be androgen and hormone responsive, which bears on the cell types in which it will be found, Goff said.
It was notable that the monkeys exhibited no visible symptoms or fever when infected, said John Hackett, Jr., PhD, of Abbott Diagnostics in Abbott Park, Ill.
He reported the group's efforts to develop assays to detect XMRV infections.
In the monkeys, antibodies to gag p30, env gp70 and env p15E were observed.
The researchers were also able to show, for the first time, the existence of antibodies to multiple XMRV proteins in humans.
However, they occured in only three of 2,851 human blood samples.
Detection in humans has proven challenging, but whether this reflects the virus' life cycle, a combination of viral properties and the length of time between infection and disease, or some other factor is unclear, Hackett said.
"Part of it is the ability to identify it to begin with," Hackett told MedPage Today. "You could argue we haven't been looking for it."
Sharma's study was supported by Abbott Diagnostics and a grant from the National Institutes of Health.
Hackett reported conflicts of interest with Abbott Diagnostics.
Goff reported support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Department of Defense Prostate Program.

Primary source: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

Source reference:
Goff S "Mouse to Man? XMRV and Human Disease" CROI 2010; Abstract 132.

Additional source: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Source reference:
Qui X, et al "XMRV: Examination of Viral Kinetics, Tissue Tropism, and Serological Markers of Infection" CROI 2010; Abstract 151.

Additional source: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Source reference:
Sharma P, et al "Organ and Cell Lineage Dissemination of XMRV in Rhesus Macaques during Acute and Chronic Infection" CROI 2010; Abstract 150 LB.
http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/CROI/18610" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Web de la conferencia
http://retroconference.org/2010/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

programas de la conferencia
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sesiones orales
http://www.retroconference.org/2010/Pag ... ceOral.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Plenary Feb 19, 2010 8:00 AM
Mouse to Man? XMRV and Human Disease
Stephen Goff
Howard Hughes Med Inst, Columbia Univ, Coll of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, US
http://www.retroconference.org/2010/dat ... t_2010.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
el video 37 m
http://app2.capitalreach.com/esp1204/se ... file=12369" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

resumenes que hacen referencia al xmrv
http://retroconference.org/2010/sessions/041.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

La Asociación de SFC de América: 2010 Conferencia sobre Retrovirus e Infecciones Oportunistas
http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_i ... nts&ref=mf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Sesión 41: Los resúmenes orales
Moderadores: Vinay Pathak, NCI-Frederick, Maryland y Jonathan Stoye, Instituto Nacional de Investigación Médica, en Londres, Reino Unido

Determinantes celular requerida para la infección de XMRV, una novela Associated Retrovirus Humanos familiar con cáncer de próstata
S. Bhosle, S Suppiah, Arnold R, Y Liang, Blackwell J, J, Petros, Liotta D, E Hunter, Molinaro y Hinh Ly
La Universidad de Emory, Atlanta, Georgia

De acogida Reglamento de XMRV en cáncer de próstata
B Dong y Robert Sliverman
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio

Prevalencia de XMRV en cáncer de próstata
William Suiza, H Jia, HQ Zheng, Tang S y W Heniene
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia,

Linaje de la Célula de órganos y Difusión de la XMRV en este macaco durante la infección aguda y crónica
Prachi Sharma, S Supplah, R Molinaro, K Rogers, J. Das Gupta, R Silverman, J Hackett, Jr., Devare S, G Schochetman y F Villanger
Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Universidad de Emory, Atlanta, Georgia y Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park, Illinois,

XMRV: Examen de la cinética viral, tropismo de tejidos, y los marcadores serológicos de la infección
Qui X, P Swanson, Luk KC, J Das Gupta, N Onlamoon, R Silverman, F Villanger, Devare S, G Schochetman y John Hackett, Jr.,
Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park, Illinois, y Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Universidad de Emory, Atlanta, Georgia

Seguimiento en España
http://vih-y-hepatitis.diariomedico.com ... -hepatitis" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Registrado: 08 Dic 2009, 22:30

Re: 17ª Conferencia Internacional sobre retrovirus

Mensaje por binizzy »

De la reciente Reunión sobre retrovirus en San Francisco (en la que han estado los investigadores de Can Ruti Qué están haciendo el estudio sobre XMRV en SFC), Hay buenas y muy interesantes noticias sobre el XMRV:

http://aboutmecfs.org/Rsrch/XMRVBuzz.aspx" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Retrovirólogos Speak - Tenemos un video de retrovirólogos en la 17a Retrovirus e Infecciones Opportunistics en San Francisco hablando de XMRV. El Dr. Goff reflexionó sobre lo fácil que es hacer crecer XMRV en los tipos de células derecho - un hallazgo importante, ya que permite a los investigadores a estudiar el virus íntimamente. El hecho de que el virus es fácil de cultivar en las células sensibles a la hormona es importante, porque esos son los tipos de células que el virus probablemente se encontrará más fácilmente en el cuerpo. (Al parecer esto sugiere que las células inmunes no será el principal reservorio, es decir, el principal lugar de replicación en el organismo, y, por supuesto, concuerda con el hallazgo del virus en los tejidos de la próstata).

Breve presentación El siguiente orador sugirió que la comunidad de investigación es perseguir vigorosamente este virus. Su trabajo participan la Universidad de Emory en Cleveland Clinic (CC colaboró con el IPM en el papel de la ciencia). Es un trabajo muy emocionante. El NIH ha hablado de la necesidad de un modelo animal de síndrome de fatiga crónica durante muchos años, lo que es esencialmente un animal que puede dar a CSA y luego estudiar en detalle para tratar de desentrañar lo que está pasando. Alguna vez han hecho una maldita cosa sobre ella - no hay sorpresa -, pero los japoneses están utilizando un modelo de roedores para estudiar esta enfermedad. Los roedores son baratos y fáciles de trabajar con este grupo, pero ya está utilizando un primate (mono rhesus). Los primates, por supuesto, muchos más comparten características con los seres humanos que hacen los monos, y también son mucho, mucho más caro. El hecho de que este investigador de la Universidad de Emory ya está utilizando los primates sugiere que están muy en serio XMRV.

Están buscando a estos monos con mucha atención - que sólo nos dio un pequeño vistazo de lo que han encontrado - pero hasta el momento XMRV está estableciendo un campamento en los órganos linfoides y los órganos reproductivos de estos animales. Los órganos linfoides (bazo, timo, médula ósea, etc) crear linfocitos (entre otras cosas) - las células blancas de la sangre del IPM estaba estudiando.

El vídeo que lo Acompaña tambien es muy interesante: http://www.ifarablog.org/search/label/XMRV" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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