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PARA LEVANTAR EL BLOQUE ciclo de metilación
EN síndrome de fatiga crónica (30 de marzo 2011) Revisión
Van Konynenburg ricos. Ph.D.
(Basado en el programa de tratamiento completo
desarrollado por Amy Yasko, Ph.D., Dakota del Norte
que se utiliza principalmente en el tratamiento del autismo [1])


1. General vitamina neurológicos Salud Fórmula [2]: Comienza con la tableta de una cuarta parte y aumente la dosis según la tolerancia a 2 tabletas al día
2. Hidroxi Mega B12 Gotas [3]: dos gotas bajo la lengua cotidiana
3. MethylMate B [4]: ​​3 gotas debajo de la lengua cotidiana
4. El ácido folínico [5]: una cuarta cápsula al día
5. Fosfatidil serina complejos [6]: todos los días una cápsula de gelatina blanda (o lecitina, véase más adelante)

Todos estos suplementos se pueden obtener de http://www.holisticheal.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.
El cuarto suplemento viene en cápsulas que contienen 800 mcg. Será necesario abrir las cápsulas, volcar el polvo sobre una superficie plana, y separarla en cuatro partes con un cuchillo para obtener la dosis diaria. El polvo se puede tomar por vía oral con agua, con o sin alimentos.
Estos suplementos puede hacer que algunos pacientes con sueño, por lo que en esos casos los llevan a la hora de acostarse. En general, se puede tomar a cualquier hora del día, con o sin alimentos.
fosfatidil serina puede reducir los niveles de cortisol. Los pacientes que ya tienen más bajos que lo normal de cortisol podría sustituir la lecitina [7] (en una cápsula por día) para completar el número 5. La lecitina también está disponible en http://www.holisticheal.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.
Vaya despacio. A medida que el bloqueo del ciclo de metilación se levanta, se liberan toxinas y procesados ​​por el cuerpo, y esto puede llevar a una exacerbación de los síntomas. SI ESTO OCURRE, trate de pequeñas dosis, cada dos días. Gradualmente hasta la dosis completa.
A pesar de este tratamiento consiste en suplementos de venta libre sólo nutricional, unos pocos pacientes han reportado efectos adversos, mientras que sobre el mismo. Por lo tanto, es necesario que los pacientes sean supervisados ​​por los médicos mientras reciben este tratamiento.

[1] Yasko, Amy, autismo, Rutas hacia la recuperación, Instituto de Investigaciones Neurológicas de 2009, disponible en http://www.holisticheal.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; o Amazon.
[2] General vitamina neurológicos Salud Fórmula se formula y suministrados por Holística Consultores LLC.
[3] B12 hidroxi Mega gotas es una forma líquida de hidroxocobalamina (vitamina B12), proporcionada por consultores de la Salud Holística. 2 gotas es una dosis de 2.000 mcg.
[4] MethylMate B es una forma de líquido (6s)-metiltetrahidrofolato suministrados por Salud Holística Consultores, basado en Extrafolate S, una marca registrada de la Gnosis SPA 3 gotas es una dosis de 210 mcg.
[5] El ácido folínico es de 5 formyltetrahydrofolate. cápsula de un cuarto es una dosis de 200 mcg.
[5] fosfatidil serina Complex es un producto de la vitamina Discount Center. 1 cápsula es una dosis de 500 mg.
[7] La ​​lecitina es una combinación de fosfolípidos sin fosfatidilserina. Una cápsula es una dosis de 1.200 mg.


IN CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROM (March 30, 2011 Revision)
Rich Van Konynenburg. Ph.D.
(Based on the full treatment program
developed by Amy Yasko, Ph.D., N.D.
which is used primarily in treating autism [1])


1. General Vitamin Neurological Health Formula [2]: Start with one-quarter tablet and increase dosage as tolerated to 2 tablets daily
2. Hydroxy B12 Mega Drops [3]: 2 drops under the tongue daily
3. MethylMate B [4]: 3 drops under the tongue daily
4. Folinic acid [5]: one-quarter capsule daily
5. Phosphatidyl Serine Complex [6]: 1 softgel capsule daily (or lecithin, see below)

All these supplements can be obtained from http://www.holisticheal.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.
The fourth supplement comes in capsules that contain 800 mcg. It will be necessary to open the capsules, dump the powder onto a flat surface, and separate it into quarters using a knife to obtain the daily dose. The powder can be taken orally with water, with or without food.
These supplements can make some patients sleepy, so in those cases they take them at bedtime. In general, they can be taken at any time of day, with or without food.
Phosphatidyl serine can lower cortisol levels. Patients who already have lower than normal cortisol may wish to substitute lecithin [7] (at one softgel daily) for supplement number 5 above. Lecithin is also available from http://www.holisticheal.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;.
GO SLOWLY. As the methylation cycle block is lifted, toxins are released and processed by the body, and this can lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. IF THIS HAPPENS, try smaller doses, every other day. SLOWLY work up to the full dosages.
Although this treatment approach consists only of nonprescription nutritional supplements, a few patients have reported adverse effects while on it. Therefore, it is necessary that patients be supervised by physicians while receiving this treatment.

[1] Yasko, Amy, Autism, Pathways to Recovery, Neurological Research Institute, 2009, available from http://www.holisticheal.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; or Amazon.
[2] General Vitamin Neurological Health Formula is formulated and supplied by Holistic Health Consultants LLC.
[3] Hydroxy B12 Mega Drops is a liquid form of hydroxocobalamin (B12), supplied by Holistic Health Consultants. 2 drops is a dosage of 2,000 mcg.
[4] MethylMate B is a liquid form of (6s)-methyltetrahydrofolate supplied by Holistic Health Consultants, based on Extrafolate S, a trademark of Gnosis S.P.A. 3 drops is a dosage of 210 mcg.
[5] Folinic acid is 5-formyltetrahydrofolate. one-quarter capsule is a dosage of 200 mcg.
[5] Phosphatidyl Serine Complex is a product of Vitamin Discount Center. 1 softgel is a dosage of 500 mg.
[7] Lecithin is a combination of phospholipids without phosphatidylserine. One softgel is a dosage of 1,200 mg.

Con todo mi apoyo.

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Registrado: 22 Nov 2009, 02:01


Mensaje por elipoarch »

Muchas gracias por tu aporte, Ascensión. Siempre es bueno tener la información lo más actualizada posible :clap: .

El problema es que los envíos desde EEUU y otros países extracomunitarios están siendo retenidos en la aduana española, así que todo esto queda fuera de nuestro alcance por ahora. Puesto que la mayor parte de lo que citan son productos específicos, me temo que es un tratamiento que desde aquí no podemos conseguir, al menos sin dar unos cuantos rodeos (como conseguir alguien que te lo reenvíe desde algún punto de Europa).

Sin embargo, algunas personas que acceden a este foro son de otros países, por lo que esta información puede serles muy útil.
VINCIT QUI SE VINCIT (Vence quien se vence a sí mismo)
EX NOTITIA VICTORIA (En el conocimiento reside el triunfo) 12
(tomado prestado de un amiguete... gràcies, Fran)
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Registrado: 24 Nov 2009, 19:08


Mensaje por EndSFC »

Muchas gracias Ascensión! La esencia del tratamiento es el mismo. Quiero tener un ratillo para explicar los detalles y motivos del cambio.

"Aquel que tiene un porqué para vivir se puede enfrentar a todos los cómos" F. Nietzsche
"Sometimes it's the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine"
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Mensaje por elipoarch »

El estudio explicado de Konynenburg es este:

A Simplified Methylation Protocol is Effective for the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
by Neil Nathan, MD
May 11, 2011

Drs Nathan and Van KonynenburgReporting on an important trial to determine whether FM and CFS patients are affected by compromised methylation ability, and whether nutrients the body employs in methylation might support improvements.

Dr. Neil Nathan is a noted specialist in integrative treatment of complex medical illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and Lyme. In addition to his clinical work with Gordon Medical Associates near Mendocino, CA, he is a respected educator, and author of the new book, On Hope and Healing: For Those Who Have Fallen Through the Medical Cracks.

Dr. Nathan invites reader questions regarding the protocol he describes below. To submit a comment or question, click HERE, and watch for the resulting Q&A later this month on ProHealth.com.

I suspect that the words "methylation protocol" are, at first glance, intimidating. But if you will hang in with me for a few paragraphs, I would like to make this both understandable and useful.

First of all, what is most important is that we have recently shown that the use of tiny doses of very specific combinations of vitamin B-12 and folic acid has resulted in significant improvement in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. That's the bottom line.

So, if you are suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia, you may be interested in learning more about our research, and what we learned.

Let's start with the word "methylation" and de-mystify it.

In chemistry, a methyl group is simply a carbon atom surrounded by 3 hydrogen atoms, which chemically looks like this:

C - H

This grouping acts as a unit and if we tack this unit, this methyl group, on to another molecule, that is what we mean by methylation.

You don’t need to be a chemist to understand that this process of methylation is absolutely critical to a host of the most important chemical reactions in our bodies.

Most important is that we need methylation to:

• Create glutathione (the body's 'master' antioxidant and detoxifier),

• Produce energy,

• Impact brain chemistry,

• Repair DNA,

• And make melatonin from serotonin.

These are only a few of the essential reactions that require our ability to methylate.

Genetically a Bit Compromised

What we have recently begun to understand is that many of us are genetically a bit compromised in our ability to methylate…

And that when we get sick that adds another dimension of difficulty to our illness, one that we can no longer compensate for.

What we have also begun to understand is that we can fix this. By taking a combination of what are essentially vitamins, we can bypass these genetic “blocks” to methylation, and restore the body’s normal chemistry.

This concept was pioneered by Amy Yasko, PhD, who was working primarily with autistic children.

She found that with treatment of methylation blocks many autistic children recovered to a remarkable extent. She suspected that other illnesses, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases had a similar problem.

Rich Van Konynenburg, PhD, a biochemist, picked up on her concept and applied it to chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

In a series of papers, he demonstrated that virtually every known biochemical imbalance known to occur in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome could be explained by this inability to methylate properly.

Hearing Rich’s lecture in 2007, and having a huge practice of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome patients, I was excited to try out this hypothesis on some of my sickest patients. These patients had not fully responded to the treatment program pioneered by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, which I have utilized for over 15 years now.(1)

As soon as I got back to my office, I gave 50 patients this combination of B-12, folic acid, and vitamins(2) recommended by Dr. Van Konynenburg, which was based on recommendations from Dr. Yasko.

To my delight, 70% of my patients had improved within 3 months, and 20% reported that they were much better, occasionally to the point of feeling cured.

This was exciting news. I was fortunate enough to obtain a private research grant to do a more formal study. With the assistance of Dr. Van Konynenburg and Dr. Yasko, along with input from Dr. Teitelbaum, who helped design the data collecting research tools, and Dr. Richard Deth, a well-known expert on methylation chemistry, we put this together.

The Project Went as Follows

• I took 30 patients (none of whom were part of the first pilot project), all of whom I had treated with Dr. Teitelbaum’s program, all of whom had made some progress (ranging from 30% to 70% improvement) but were still not where they needed to be health-wise.

• All had their methylation chemistry measured prior to the start of the supplements(3), and all took the supplements for the next 6 months, while we measured their chemistry and they reported on their health status throughout. All patients took exactly the same supplements.

• After six months, we individualized the patients’ treatment program based on their chemistry results, and continued to follow their progress and monitor their chemistry.

The Results Are Exciting(4)

Several important questions are addressed and answered:

1. First of all, do we find that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients do, indeed, have abnormal methylation chemistry? YES

The initial methylation testing showed that:

• Every single patient had abnormal results.

• The average starting value of glutathione in our patients was 3.2 mmol/L (normal being 3.9-5.5 mmol/L)), and the average starting value for SAM (S-Adenosyl methionine, aka SAM-e, the major methylator) was 218 mmol/L (normal being 221-256 mmol/L).

• 83% started with low glutathione levels.

2. Can we demonstrate that taking these supplements raises those numbers into the normal range? YES

• After 3 months, the average glutathione level was 3.8 mmol/L

• After 6 months, the average glutathione level was 4.3 mmol/L

• After 9 months, the average glutathione level was 4.7 mmol/L, which represents a 47% improvement, and ALL patients now had a normal level.

• After 3 months, the average SAM level was 227 mmol/L

• After 6 months, the average SAM level was 238 mmol/L

• After 9 months, the average SAM level was 241 mmol/L, with only one patient not up into the normal range.

3. Does this rise in glutathione and SAM correlate with clinical improvement? YES

We had our patients rate 5 important areas of function on a 1-10 scale. This included energy, sleep, pain, cognitive function (memory, focus, concentration, and “brain fog”), and overall sense of well being.

We can demonstrate progressive improvement in all of these areas in most patients, over the 9 months of the study:

• Sleep improved from an initial score of 4.7 to 6.0, with 73% of patients reporting improvement.

• Energy improved from an initial score of 3.9 to 6.6, with 86% of patients reporting improvement.

• Pain improved from an initial score of 5 to 6.6, with 80% of patients reporting improvement.

• Cognitive function improved from an initial score of 5.0 to 6.3, with 73% reporting improvement.

• Overall sense of well being improved from 4.3 to 6.8, with 79% reporting improvement.

4. How much better were our patients? A LOT!

It took an average of 5 to 6 weeks before the supplements started to work, and we can clearly show that the longer patients stayed on this program, the better they got.

• Not everyone got better, but the vast majority (86%) improved.

• The average improvement was rated by our patients as 48%.

• And notably, 27% reported so much improvement that they now felt essentially well! Several who had not worked in over 5 years were able to resume full-time employment without difficulty.

In doing a study of this sort, we must look at how many patients completed the study so that we know whether these numbers are valid. (The data for improvement in glutathione and SAM has a p value of <.05, which is quite statistically significant.)

Of the original 30 patients, all 30 completed the first three months; 29 completed the first six months; and 25 of 30 completed the full 9 month program.

It is rare to conduct a study this long, with this type of compliance. It is also interesting to look at those who dropped out of the study. Three dropped out because they were so well that they saw no point in continuing. One dropped out because she needed to have bilateral hip replacement, and one dropped out because she did not feel any better after 6 months.

Protocol Supplements are Very Safe, But Medical Supervision is Essential

I would like to emphasize that the natural supplement components of this protocol are really very safe, with virtually no known side effects.

However, when we do, indeed, improve the body’s ability to methylate and make more glutathione – that is, when the nutrients work – they may improve the body’s ability to detoxify, thereby creating a toxic load that the body can’t handle. This may lead to a detoxification reaction which can range from mild to severe, making those patients quite ill.

I recently talked with Dr. Patricia Kane, PhD, (director of the nonprofit NeuroLipid Research Foundation) about this, and she believes that the protocol may release toxins bound to cell membranes, which sets this reaction off.

So it is imperative that patients find a knowledgeable health care provider to work with who understands this, can adjust the protocol to their needs, and help them get around that reaction if it occurs.

And importantly, if an individual gets worse in any way after starting the methylation protocol, they should stop, immediately. Continuing the protocol without supervision has made a number of patients very, very ill and I really would hate to see that happen to anyone.

For More Information

The details of this study, along with a much longer description of methylation chemistry is available in my new book, On Hope and Healing: For Those Who Have Fallen Through the Medical Cracks

The book also contains a description of the entire biochemical underpinning of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, in what I hope is a readable and concise format. This includes discussions of adrenal, thyroid, sex hormone imbalances, deficiency of magnesium and amino acids, food allergy, intestinal dysbiosis, toxicity from heavy metals, mold, and infectious agents such as Lyme disease and chronic viral infections.

- Neil Nathan, MD, May 2011


Note: Some nutrients mentioned in this article may be available in the ProHealth store. If you have questions, the Customer Service Staff is always pleased to help.

1. I am referring to Dr. Teitelbaum’s SHINE approach to treating CFS & FM in toto (Sleep, Hormones, Infections, Nutrition, Energy), as outlined in his book, From Fatigued to Fantastic. To me, this means evaluating and treating adrenal, thyroid, sex hormone, magnesium, dysbiosis, candida, heavy metal toxicity, infections,and mold toxicity in its fullest scope. Dr. Teitelbaum was with me when we put together the methylation research, helped with developing some of the forms we used, and subsequently publicized the findings.

2. Though lots of people have lots of other ideas on nutrients that can be included in the protocol, most of that is speculation. All we can say with any degree of accuracy is that the protocol we used works - and for our international readers, most of the ingredients will be available to them as a starting point.

The essence of the simplified protocol that we used – the ingredients that I view as central to the protocol – are:

• The B-vitamin folic acid (specifically including the two most bio-available forms of folic acid - 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate, and 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate),

• And several types of B-12, of which the hydroxycobalamin type is the main ingredient.

• Then, the addition of Dr. Yasko’s multivitamin-mineral added a number of co-factors which are important. Formulated for her autism patients, this “Neurological Health Formula” includes antioxidants, trimethylglycine, nucleotides, supplements to support the sulfur metabolism, a high ratio of magnesium to calcium, and no iron or copper.

Phosphatidyl serine, included in some versions of the protocol, is helpful, but not central.

And there are two supplements associated with some methylation protocol versions that we do NOT use, at least initially:

• We have some doubts about using glutathione, since taking it gives the body the wrong message about how much it has available, and may, in fact, give the body the wrong message so that it stops making it properly. So, although I do use glutathione in a variety of circumstances, I believe that stimulating the body to make it, as in our protocol, is a much wiser approach.

• Similarly, we may use SAMe, but not initially, for the same reason.

3. The best methylation test (the one we used in our study) is simply called a "methylation panel" from Vitamin Diagnostics Lab in New Jersey. It runs about $325 for 11 measures of methylation chemistry, so it would be cheaper to just start the protocol, which is what I advise. I don't typically order the panel unless the patient is not responding to it adequately, so we can figure out what they are missing.

4. As described in the paper titled “Treatment Study of Methylation Cycle Support in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia,” by Neil Nathan, MD, and Richard A Van Konynenburg, PhD. Presented at the March, 2009 International IACFS/ME Conference in Reno, Nevada.


enlace: ProHealth.com - A Simplified Methylation Protocol is Effective for the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
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(tomado prestado de un amiguete... gràcies, Fran)
rey troyano
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Registrado: 29 Nov 2010, 21:43


Mensaje por rey troyano »

Este es el nuevo tratamiento?que diferencia hay con el antiguo?funciona mejor?
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Mensaje por EndSFC »

Desde luego esto del brain fog es demasiado! Acabo de traducir de nuevo el tratamiento simplificado, pensando que sólo lo teníamos en inglés, y he visto que ascensión ya lo tradujo!!!

En fin, lo dejo fuera igualmente pues así se ve mejor:

viewtopic.php?p=6505#p6505" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

"Aquel que tiene un porqué para vivir se puede enfrentar a todos los cómos" F. Nietzsche
"Sometimes it's the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine"