[t]La suplementación con Ubiquinol-10 mejora el funcionamiento del Sistema Nervioso Autónomo y la función cognitiva en el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica[/t]
[t]Ubiquinol-10 supplementation improves autonomic nervous function and cognitive function in chronic fatigue syndrome[/t]
The aim of this study was to evaluate the benefit of oral ubiquinol-10 supplementation in CFS patients using an open-label study and a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled (RCT) study. Twenty patients with CFS were randomly enrolled in an 8-week open-label oral ubiquinol-10 (150 mg ubiquinol-10/day) study. The patients and the attending physicians were not blinded to the supplementation. Forty-three patients with CFS were randomly assigned to receive either ubiquinol-10 (150 mg/day) or placebo every day for 12 weeks. The patients and the attending physicians were blinded to the supplementation, and a total of 31 patients (N = 17 in the ubiquinol group and 14 in the placebo group) completed the study. The beneficial effects of ubiquinol-10 were observed in the open-label study we conducted prior to the RCT. The RCT results suggest that supplementation with ubiquinol-10 for 12 weeks is effective for improving several CFS symptoms. © 2016 BioFactors, 2016.
© 2016 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
enlace: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27125909" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
ubiquinol-10 mejora función SNAutónomo y cognitiva en el SFC
ubiquinol-10 mejora función SNAutónomo y cognitiva en el SFC
VINCIT QUI SE VINCIT (Vence quien se vence a sí mismo)
EX NOTITIA VICTORIA (En el conocimiento reside el triunfo) 12
(tomado prestado de un amiguete... gràcies, Fran)
EX NOTITIA VICTORIA (En el conocimiento reside el triunfo) 12
(tomado prestado de un amiguete... gràcies, Fran)